Sunday, May 24, 2009

May 25th 2009

Hi Everyone, I hope you haven't been washed away or developed webbed feet. Oh, for some sun or my washing will develop hairy green fuzz soon!

Today you should be thinking about moving on to the next unit on the cardiovascular system so you have at least read the notes in preparation for the practical on Friday where you will be dissecting a deer's heart.

I see most of you have completed the musculo-skeletal system quiz and got 100%. It will still be open for another week so if you want to brush up your mark or still haven't had a go yet (no names mentioned!) there is still time.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday at 10am.

Cheers Ruth

Sunday, May 17, 2009

May 18th 2009

Hopefully everyone has now had their marked Bioscience test 1 back. Get in touch if yours has not reached you yet. I was pleased with the general standard. Remember you needed to get above 40% to be able to do a resit. Between 40 and 60% you need to do a full resit on a new version of the test. This will take place between 9 and 10am at the next block course on May 29th. If you gained between 60% and 75% you need to do a partial test to get you up to 75% which is what we judge to show competance. We can do this partial resit by phone if you like or you can come in and see me. Get in touch with me about it if you haven't done so yet.

It seems everyone enjoyed the skeleton practical with the fresh cow's joint being the star of the show. It was great to see you really getting into it and not only finding all the structures associated with synovial joints but also finding tendons, blood vessels and the structure of the skin.

This week you should be well under way with the musculo-skeltal system, Unit 4, with a week to go before the quiz is due.
Have a good week, Cheers Ruth